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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Servicing Central CA. Visalia, Fresno, Three Rivers,Frazier Park & surrounding Areas
Holiday Party Planner, Wedding coordinator, Event planner. Wedding and Special Events. Special Event Planner, Wedding consultant, Event and Party consultant
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Advantages Of After School Art Is Tremendous
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/k-12-education-articles/the-advantages-of-after-school-art-is-tremendous-3706181.html#ixzz161oxWpwQ
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Christmas Vacation t-shirt by Crazy Dog Tshirts
Friday, November 19, 2010
Great Holiday Deals for your friends and family
Holiday Deals for Your Friends and Family!
We have NEW Holiday Deals to share with your friends and family! These great deals AND | |
MORE are available thru http://cap.pcmall.com/site/SBNFRIENDSFAMILY when you use: Username: SBN2010 Password: SBN2010 |
Simple Tips for Happier Holidays

Simple Tips for Happier Holidays
The holidays can be emotionally stressful as time, budgets, and patience are stretched to their limits. However, with some planning, perspective, and an increased consciousness about the true spirit of the season, we can create happy moments and memories that will give Hallmark a run for its money!
Be Realistic
Going into the holidays with a perspective on what’s in store for you will decrease your frustration and stress. Make a list of your goals: sensible gift giving, holiday cooking and baking, house cleaning, party planning, etc. Tackling your holiday chores one by one will make you feel less overwhelmed and certainly make seasonal preparations more enjoyable. Knowing your financial, physical and scheduling limitations will allow you to set realistic goals that will make you feel satisfied when you complete them (rather than overworked and overemotional as you try to live up to your unrealistic agenda).
Take Time to Relax
Everyone needs a little down time to rejuvenate, and with the holidays draining you quicker with all those seasonal expectations, it’s important to take a little time for yourself. Even with a hectic schedule, you will need to pencil in your refueling time. Whether it’s curling up with a book and a cup of hot cocoa, getting a massage, or meditating and practicing yoga, setting your mind and spirit to rights again will release those building tensions and allow you to accomplish more because you have recharged your emotional batteries.
Make a Budget and stick to it!
Shopping for others can be a rewarding and fun, but those feelings of goodness through gift-giving can easily turn into stress and worry as you deplete your bank account (or worse, rack up credit card charges). By creating a financial budget for yourself, you then have the freedom to make purchases for each person within that specified amount, without the fear of overspending.
Family time offers
you the opportunity to be with your loved ones, the people in your life that have known and loved you the longest. It can be a time of catching up, and offers most people a sense of belonging. The down side can be personality differences that can tarnish your holiday happiness with misunderstandings and arguments. Keeping things in perspective this year, and accepting one another’s differences even if you disagree
, will allow you to connect and enjoy the moment: a special time of year with the family you love. in other words let bygones be bygones and enjoy the moment
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
With the time crunch of the approaching holidays, it is easy to let healthy habits fall to the wayside. Perhaps, then, this is the most important time to keep those routines in place as best you can. Continuing with your exercise regime, and eating at least one healthy meal a day will keep you more balanced, physically and emotionally. It is well known that exercise keeps the endorphins high in your body and gives a natural sense of well-being. Eating right supplies you with the energy you ne
ed to accomplish all your tasks and keeps chemical levels (such as serotonin) in balance. This is not to say that you cannot enjoy your holiday sweets and treats! Just keep in mind that most seasonal food tends to be high in fat and sugar, which ultimately cause lethargic and potentially depressive feelings with their energy inhibitors and sugar crashes. So, go ahead, eat those yummy holiday delights— just make sure you balance your diet with nutritious foods that your body needs.
Focus on Holiday Cheer
While the stress of shopping and cooking for others can wear on you, keeping in mind that you are doing these things for others is a great way to stay in high holiday spirits. The holidays are a time for appreciating family and friends, and for thinking of and giving to others. When your goal is to put a smile on someone’s face, that is time well spent indeed. Holiday volunteering at places like children’s hospitals, low-income family centers, and nursing homes, can be another way to keep your head and heart in lively spirits. Giving to others in times of need reaps wonderful spiritual benefits and gives you the perspective to appreciate what you do have. The “demands” don’t seem as great when you acknowledge how fortunate you are to have so many special people in your life to spend your money, time and energy on.

Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Inside Scoop on Link Building for SEO - Think Big Sites
Link building is considered one of the most difficult things to achieve when creating a successful site with a minimal budget. It’s also considered one of the most vital parts of any SEO campaign. The idea is to get as many links to your site dispersed on the net as possible. Link building is important and can help to boost your organic SEO results.
read full article http://thinkbigsites.typepad.com/blog/2010/11/the-inside-scoop-on-link-building-for-seo.html
Request the TBS white paper:
"The Secret To Internet Marketing That Actually Works"http://thinkbigsites.info/affiliate-download-whitepaper.html
Twelve Scams of Christmas to Watch Out for
Be on your guard against these internet scams during the festive season
The festive season is just around the corner and planning holidays and shopping online seems to be everyone's mind. However, what Internet users should not forget is that this is a happy season for hackers too. Internet security firm McAfee has listed Twelve Scams of Christmas Internet users should watch out for this holiday season. 1) iPad Offer Scams
It is obvious that hackers would use bogus offers for free Apple iPads this year. With the new wonder tablet by Apple hogging so much attention and being on the wish list of many, it does not come as a surprise that it is being used as a bait to encourage consumers to reveal their credit card number and cell phone numbers online. Of course, victims never receive the iPad or the any other items, just the headache of reporting a stolen credit card number or being a part of a cell phone scam. 2) Help! I've Been Robbed Scam What would you do if you were contacted by a close friend of family member online while they are on a vacation saying that they have been robbed and need money urgently? Most people would wire money instantly. According to McAfee, this travel scam sends phony distress messages to family and friends requesting that money be wired or transferred so that they can get home. McAfee Labs has seen an increase in this scam and predicts its rise during the busy travel season. 3) Fake Gift Cards Holiday season and gift cards. Need I say more? It is common that during festive seasons like Christmas, Cybercrooks use social media to promote fake gift card offers with the goal of stealing consumers information and money, which is then sold to marketers or used for ID theft. So, beware. 4) Holiday Job Offers It is a simple rule that more money means a more luxurious holiday or celebration. Where will the money come from? Maybe a vacation job. Scams on micro blogging sites like Twitter offer unsafe links to high-paying, work-at-home jobs that ask for your personal information, such as your email address, home address and Social Security number to apply for the fake job. So, do not fall for that too-good-to-be true job offer on the Internet. 5) Smishing McAfee says cybercrooks are now smishing, or sending phishing SMS texts. These texts appear to come from your bank or an online retailer saying that there is something wrong with an account and you have to call a number to verify your account information. In reality, these efforts are merely a ruse to extract valuable personal information from the targets. Cybercrooks know that people are more vulnerable to this scam during the holiday season when consumers are doing more online shopping and checking bank balances frequently. 6) Suspicious Holiday Rentals Just like job offers, if rental offers look out-of-this-world, be cautious. During peak travel times when consumers often look online for affordable holiday rentals, cybercrooks post fake holiday rental sites that ask for down payments on properties by credit card or wire transfer. So, book only via reliable sources. 7) Recession Scams Continue The recent economic recession hit many and so it is only normal for people to fall prey to recession related scams such as pay-in-advance credit schemes. McAfee Labs has seen a significant number of spam emails advertising pre-qualified, low-interest loans and credit cards if the recipient pays a processing fee, which goes directly into the scammer's pocket. 8) Grinch-like Greetings E-cards are a convenient and earth-friendly way to send greetings to friends and family, but cybercriminals load fake versions with links to computer viruses and other malware instead of cheer. According to McAfee Labs, computers may start displaying obscene images, pop-up ads, or even start sending cards to contacts that appear to come from you. So think twice before sending that cute-looking Santa Clause to your friend across the globe. 9) Low Price Traps McAfee warns that shoppers should be cautious of products offered at prices far below competitors. Cyber scammers use auction sites and fake websites to offer too-good-to-be-true deals with the goal of stealing your money and information. So all you shopaholics out there, think twice before investing that branded bag which that site is selling for 50 percent less. 10) Charity Scams Having a good heart will not save you from Internet scams this holiday season. Common ploys include phone calls and spam e-mails asking you to donate to veterans charities, children's causes and relief funds for the latest catastrophe. So, make necessary inquiries before donating money online. 11) Dangerous Holiday Downloads According to MaAfee, holiday-themed screensavers, jingles and animations are an easy way for scammers to spread viruses and other computer threats especially when links come from an email or IM that appears to be from a friend. 12) Hotel and Airport Wi-fi Think you got a good deal regarding your holiday hotel due to the free Wi-Fi they are offering? It might not be as good as it seems as this is a tempting time for thieves to hack into Wi-Fi networks hoping to find opportunities for theft. McAfee advises Internet users to follow these five tips to protect their computers and personal information: Experts at McAfee advise Internet users to stick to well-established and trusted sites and ask them not to respond to offers that arrive in a spam email, text or instant message. Always preview a link's web address before you click on it to make sure it is going to an established site. Never download or click anything from an unknown source. McAfee adds that users should stay away from vendors that offer prices well below the norm. Don't believe anything that's too-good-to-be-true. Also, make sure to use trusted Wi-Fi networks. Don't check bank accounts or shop online if you' re not sure the network is safe. Go ahead, have a safe and happy holiday season.
"The Martha Stewart Show" Traditional Turkey Recipes

Read more at Marthastewart.com: The Martha Stewart Show: Cooking, Entertaining, Decorating, Chefs, Celebrities, Pets -- marthastewart.com
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Shop AVON -Your Holiday Look is in the Bag
Avon Representative
Contact Me Home
Thank you for shopping Avon
If there is anything I can do to help you with your shopping experience
Please let me know
Sandi Parker 480-507-0639
Avon Representative
Shop My Online store 24/7 Stay on Top of the Phenomenal Specials -
Join today and Enter your E-mail address To receive all the New Bargains
Categories: Beauty Supply Store, Skincare, bath and body, Anti Aging, Fragrances,
Beauty, fashion, AVON Celebrity Brands, Reese Witherspoon, Derek Jeter, Patrick Dempsey,!
shop For Everyone In The Family, Anew, Skin So Soft, Mark, shop online
Monday, November 15, 2010
Read more: http://ping.fm/wqdWD
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. - General George S. Patton

classic motivational quotes:
Don’t Quit!
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
when he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst, that

C. W. Longenecker
Friday, November 12, 2010
Full service Event Consultant/Coordinator-Party planner Need Friendly help or advice call today for a FREE consultation Servicing central California Visalia, Tulare, Three Rivers And surrounding areas 559-786-1196 patfrantzen@yahoo.com
Art class for children, Homeschool Art, Kids Art projects, Art lessons for children
Avon is a world leader in anti-aging skin care products, fragrance and color cosmetics. Its product line includes beauty products, fashion jewelry and apparel and features such well-recognized brand names as Avon Color, Anew, Skin So Soft, Avon Solutions, Advance Techniques Hair Care, Avon naturals, mark and Avon Wellness.http://ping.fm/KndRo
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Art supply kits for Kids Art projects 10% off now at HomeSchoolArt.com

At Homeschoolart.com their Art supply kits have everything you need to get started on your Kids Art Projects at home. Their kits include paper, pencils, pens, crayons, paints, paintbrushes and much more.
Weather you are looking for formal homeschool Art lessons for children with teaching Art instruction or simple finger-paints and drawing supplies for the little ones to proudly display on your refrigerator Atelier’s homeschool Art supply kits are a perfect fit.. When children are given Kids Art projects that are safe and age appropriate, they are given free license to create, learn and explore.
At Atelier their Art supply kits Priced at only $39.95 per Kit
Have 80-90% of the art supplies needed for _ any level.
"Atelier is the BEST homeschooling art-curriculum out there. I've looked at many and bought a few, but this one exceeds all my expectations. It can even turn a non-artistic child into one who loves art. It's DVD-based, so your children actually watch the art-teacher demonstrate the lesson and then observe as the children in her class do the project. It's a great way to expose children to the fact that not everyone does art the same way, and it's ok to have your own style. They also have art-appreciation, artist study, and lots of great kids art projects. It's wonderful!"
- Diane McCarty, Bennington, Indiana
Check out what they have to offer at http://www.homeschoolart.com/
Contact info
Atelier by Arts Attack
4615 Rancho Reposo
Del Mar, CA 92014
Toll Free: 888-310-ARTS
Phone: 858-481-4223
Fax: 858-481-3959
Email: arts@homeschoolart.com
Art class for children, Homeschool Art, Kids Art projects, Art lessons for children
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Time to plan a Holiday Party >Check out My Perfect Events

HomeSchool Art
our kids art projects makes for the prefect gift idea --we are offer a 10% discount for all online orders through Dec 31st
Atelier: Video-Based Art for Homeschooler
● Priced at only $39.95 per Kit _

Monday, November 8, 2010
AVON -HOLIDAY BIG DEAL -New Lower Price on the Flip MinoHDT Video Camera
New Lower Price on the Flip MinoHD™ Video Camera |
AVON HOLIDAY BIG DEAL we have reduced the price of the Flip MinoHD™ Video Camera to create an even more compelling Customer offer. Your can now purchase the world's simplest high-definition video camera for the unbelievable price of only $139 with no additional purchase required. To order yours today contact your Avon Representative |
Shop My Online store 24/7 Stay on Top of the Phenomenal Specials -
Join today and Enter your E-mail address To receive all the New Bargains
Categories: Beauty Supply Store, Skincare, bath and body, Anti Aging, Fragrances,
Beauty, fashion, AVON Celebrity Brands, Reese Witherspoon, Derek Jeter, Patrick Dempsey,!
shop For Everyone In The Family, Anew, Skin So Soft, Mark, shop online
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Time to plan a Holiday Party --Check out My Perfect Events

With the holidays just around the corner it’s Time to plan a Holiday Party
What better way then to call on a professional,
Call today for a free Quote 1-559-786-1196
Pat and her team at My Perfect Events are committed to helping you create your Perfect Event .
They listen to your needs, desires, and brainstorm with you to make your Holiday party a lifetime memory to cherish for years to come.
Pat is there to help bring your ideas to life, not to tell you how your Perfect Event should be.
Thanksgiving --Christmas ---Or --New-years
Pat and her team cam handle them All, From start to finish
Personalized attention to every customer
Full Service Holiday Event Planning
They I can oversee every detail of the process from start to finish,
Al a Carte Planning Services available
They can help you with any portion of your Holiday Party.
Just give her a call to discuss any special needs or requests.
Phone -559-786-1196 -Email PatFrantzen@yahoo.com
CrazyDog T-Shirts- perfect for holiday gift giving!
CrazyDog T-Shirts
Crazy Dog will be on Groupon next Wednesday! You'll be able to check them out on the Rochester Groupon page (http://www.groupon.com/rochester/) and grab a $40 Gift Card for just $20, perfect for holiday gift giving!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
How to Boost Self Confidence
Nowadays emotional intelligence is considered the main ingredient for success sometimes being even more important than IQ. The most important aspect when it comes to emotional intelligence is developing self esteem by boosting self confidence on a regular basis trough a variety of methods.

For many of us developing a positive self image and boosting our self confidence is a lifelong battle for success. On the other hand the good news is that the more we try and diversify our strategies the easier it gets to tap our personal power and to improve our self esteem in time. There are several methods that can be used to create self confidence when we need it by taking care of various aspects that can impact our level of self confidence.
Monday, November 1, 2010
ThinkBIGSites -Get Top organic SEO results FREE site Evaluation
Increase your Visibility, profits and Sales, with ThinkBIGSites –we are rated as the 2nd Best SEO Firm In the world today out of about 4000 companies
And it’s all due to the outstanding SEO results we have been achieving for our clients on a consistent basis with a 95% retention rate we are clearly the leaders in the internet marketing industry
A Well Optimized Highly visible website is defiantly the best Marketing Tool
Any company can have to increase your Sales
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Today, with millions of other online businesses competing for customers, optimizing a website
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